We utilise industry leading Microsoft Office 365 Enterprise for Non-Profits platform for our email, document storage, collaboration and online conferencing tools. With the features that Office 365 provides, we’re eager as a District to expand the platform to our Groups and Units. For group management and communicating with parents we use Online Scout Manager.
These tools and hosting would normally cost thousands of pounds year but we are delighted to be able to offer it to Groups and Units!
What is Office 365?
Office 365 provides anywhere access to professional email, calendar, HD video conferencing, and more. Designed to help charities do more good, this fantastic suite of tools provides groups with access to Office Online and Microsoft’s best-in-class cloud-based productivity and collaboration software.
What is Online Scout Manager?
Online Scout Manager (OSM) is a youth management system and platform for Scout Groups and Explorer Sections. As well as managing personal data it enables leaders to email parents, track badge progress, organise and publish a programme, track growth, manage event attendance, handle payments, claim gift aid, maintain and inventory of equipment and much more! Every Section in the district is provided with access to a Gold+ OSM subscription.
What is workplace?
Workplace is our very own Facebook which is only available with your wyre scouts email address.
Wyre Emails:
If you need a Wyre Scouts email address, please complete this short form and one of our volunteers will provide you with details.