
Activities that are good for everyone

Why volunteering at Scouts is #GoodForYou

1. It’s good for your skills and your future

84% of UK adults believe Scouts helps you develop skills useful in later life (YouGov 2020)

71% of young people in the UK aged 14-18 believe Scouts helps you develop skills useful in later life (YouGov 2020)

Scouts score 18% higher on courage, 15% higher on independence and are 18% more likely to be better problem solvers (Scout Experience Survey 2020)

2. It’s good for your health and happiness

The most common benefits volunteers report are enjoyment (93), a sense of personal achievement (90%) and feeling that they make a difference (90%). (Time Will Spent Survey NCVO 2019)

Over three-quarters of volunteers (77%) agree it improves their mental health and wellbeing. (Time Well Spent Survey NCVO 2019)

People who’ve volunteered in the past year were more satisfied with their lives and rate their overall health as better. (Journal of Happiness Studies 2020)

Scouts spend on average 1.1 more days a week being more physically active (Scouts Experience Survey 2020)

3. It’s good for your family, friends and community

Researchers found that participants ages 16-24 and 55-74 were especially likely to benefit from volunteering, perhaps because of the opportunity to build social connections. (Journal of Happiness 2020)

Over two-thirds (68%) of volunteers agree it helps them feel less isolated – this is even higher among younger volunteers (77%) for those aged 18-24 and 76% for those aged 25-34. (Time Well Spent Survey NCVO 2019)


Volunteer with us today.