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Wyred, your Wyre Scouts Newsletter – July 2021 Edition
In this edition:

A Message from Our District Commissioner, Jon Minshull:

The sun is out, the summer is here, our young people are enjoying fantastic programmes of activities in the outdoors – what a fantastic way to end the school year! 

After a challenging time for us all, it’s been a real pleasure to finally be able to visit a number of sections over recent weeks as the whole district has returned to face to face Scouting. Seeing the smiling faces of young people that are enjoying our amazing programmes, delivered by passionate volunteers, it fills me with a great sense of pride to know that, together, we are helping the young people get the very best possible start in life. Each and every person across Wyre Scouts is making this happen and I would like to say a huge thank you to you all for helping us bounce back to be stronger than ever. 

I hope that you have a fantastic, restful, summer break and I look forward to seeing you when we return to a new Scouting year in September. 


Safety & Safeguarding Training:
Lots of people’s safety and safeguarding training in Wyre is due to expire in September. It is really important to complete the online e-learning refresher so that you can continue all the amazing work you do as a volunteer in Scouting!

Each e-learning module takes about 20 minutes to complete and you can find links to both of them below.

If you have any questions about your training, please email Caroline (Local Training Manager).

Once you have completed any training, please email the certificate (or picture of it) to Caroline.

New Wyre Scouts Website:
We’re really excited to announce our new Wyre Scouts website which our Media Team have spent the last 9 months developing. As we’ll be launching the new website in mid-August, we won’t be updating the current one anymore.

You’ll get an email from Gareth, our Webmaster a couple of days before the launch as wyrescouts.org.uk will be unavailable for a couple of days so we can switch over.

For now, here’s a sneak peak of our new site:

1st Thornton-Cleveleys Beavers & Cubs Clean The Beach:
The Cubs at 1st Thornton-Cleveleys have been making a massive difference in their community by cleaning up the local beach. Over the course of a night, 7 Beavers and 10 Cubs collected over six full bin bags of rubbish!!! Their litter collection included a toy train and a saw!

It’s absolutely amazing to see our young people helping to make a positive impact on the local area!

Tracy (ADC Cubs) said that the “Cubs did a fantastic job by joining in a group project. A great effort and great teamwork, learning about the environment and conservation all whilst helping to keep our beaches clean for the locals and visitors to enjoy”, with Jan (ADC Beavers) saying “it’s great to see Beavers helping to clean up rubbish on the beach. Well done for helping the environment and our community”.

Kiran, a leader at 1st Thornton-Cleveleys said that the “Cubs and Beavers worked extremely hard collecting all of the rubbish”. The leaders were also “extremely proud of all of them, especially as it was such a hot day”.

1st Thornton-Cleveleys and Wyre Scouts would like to thank Wyre Council who loaned the Beavers and Cubs the equipment needed to safely pick rubbish.

The Wyre Scouts Minibus:
We are hugely excited to announce that the Wyre Scouts Minibus is available for hire!!!

Our 17 seat (1 driver, 1 crew & 15 passengers) rear-wheel drive minibus is the perfect solution for transporting a small group of young people to a Scouting event!

Our minibus is also fully branded so everyone knows you’re from Wyre Scouts!

We’d like to thank the team of people who have worked incredibly hard to sort the minibus and make it available in such a short amount of time.

We’d also like to thank S&S Timber Merchants and Mark Wrathall LTD who have sponsored the minibus.

You’ll be able to book the minibus through our new website once it’s live!

An Important Update Regarding Wyre Scouts Emails:
Under our Office 365 license, over 85% of people with a Wyre Scouts email address must be actively using them. Therefore, after 90 days of inactivity, email addresses will be permanently deleted. We have already deleted all inactive email addresses.

If you want your address reactivating, please fill out this form.

If you do request for your account to be reactivated, you MUST use it, otherwise, after 90 days of inactivity, it will be deleted again.

If you have any questions, please email wyredigitalmedia@wyrescouts.org.uk

– The Media Team

Dates for your Diary:

  • 21/08 – Wyre Scouts Team, GSLs and Wyre Trustees Day
  • 27/08 – 29/08 – WLS Network Reconnected
  • 11/09 – Wyre Scouts AGM
  • You can view the Wyre Scouts calendar, here.





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