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Wyred, your Wyre Scouts Newsletter – November 2020 Edition
In this edition:

A message from our District Commissioner, Jon Minshull:
Welcome to the last Wyred Newsletter of 2020 and, wow, have we nearly reached the end of year already! Despite many challenges it has been great to see so many opportunities for young people being provided by our members and a big thank you must go to everyone who has made this happen. I hope that you and all your families have a safe and an enjoyable festive period and I look forward to seeing you at our next All Members’ Meeting on the 19th January.

Jon Minshull
District Commissioner

Meet Neil Ralph, our District Chair:
Hi everyone, I’m Neil, your District Chair. I was appointed to the role at the AGM in September and am excited to be working with such an enthusiastic team of trustees. I lead the District Executive Committee who work tirelessly in the background to ensure that the District is able to provide the resources that are needed to deliver a vibrant programme that benefits our members. I am excited about the prospect of enabling more people than ever to gain valuable skills for life.

We are, of course, facing some real challenges at the moment; who anticipated that we would have to ‘go virtual’? With the prospect of getting back together safely the trustee team are focused on restarting as soon as possible and are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to join you in your activities in the coming months.

The District Executive Committee exists to support you in delivering Scouting so please get in touch when you need our assistance.

I have a long history with Wyre Scouts, having been a Cub, Scout and Venture Scout before becoming a Scout Leader. I performed regularly in the Wyre Gang Show in the 1970’s and have fond memories of “Riding Along on the crest of a Wave!”. As a Venture Scout, I achieved my Queen’s Scout Award and recall spending one night of my expedition sleeping in the drying room at one of our campsites as all my clothes and equipment were drenched after a day trudging through the Lake District rain!

Scouting has given me a love of all outdoor activities, particularly those that involve water. I learnt to sail as a Scout on Windermere and now teach Scouts how to sail dinghies and to drive powerboats.

– Neil Ralph, District Chair

Christmas Cracker Activity Day:
Christmas is coming and you’re all invited to our Christmas Cracker Activity Day being run for all young people and adults, whether they’re in Wyre Scouts or not. So put your Santa hats on and get ready to rock around the the Christmas Tree!

The activity day will run on Saturday, 12th December from 10am-7pm. The event consists of both online and offline activities, which is explained in this activity pack. The event is completely free and we would love everyone to join in with the fun. To help our elves in the wrapping of this event, all young people and adults should register here.

The Future of Wyre Scouts – Have Your Say:
Would you like to have a say in the future direction of Wyre Scouts? We’re asking all members to take a few minutes to provide their input in this short survey.

Group Spotlight – 1st Thornton & 1st Pilling Do Halloween:
1st Thornton and 1st Pilling teamed up to have a spooktacular time together on Zoom for Halloween! From pumpkin carving to fancy dress, the Beavers and Cubs had tons of fun!

Permit Scheme Q&A:

Training Dates:
Due to the current coronavirus restrictions, all training has moved online. To see the dates of each course, click here.

Compass Records:
It is important to make sure that we have up to date records of all our members, please take a few moments to ensure your own record is up to date on Compass. You can access Compass, here.

Adult Awards:
A huge congratulations to all our adult volunteers who have been given adult awards this month, click here to view the list. We’d like you to join us in thanking them for all their hard work and dedication.

Wyre Scouts Email Addresses:
All adult members in Wyre should be using their Wyre Scouts email address for Scouting purposes. Having a Wyre Office 365 account is super handy as you get access to the online versions of Word, Powerpoint, Excel and more!

Having a Wyre email also allows you to access Workplace, a really useful tool that we offer to all adult members to use for communicating with eachother where emails aren’t appropriate.

To request a Wyre email address, click here. Please note that this is not an automatic process and may take up to two weeks to happen.

Social Media Survey Report:
Over the last three months, we’ve been running a social media feedback survey so you can tell us what you think of our Facebook page. We recently closed the survey and complied a report which contains a list of actions we’ll be taking based on your feedback. You can read the report, here.

Dates for Your Diary:

  • 1st December – 4th Poulton AGM
  • 1st December – Wyre GSLs Meeting
  • 12th December – Christmas Cracker Activity Day
  • 15th December – Permit Scheme Q&A
  • 19th January – Wyre All Member’s Meeting
  • 22nd-24th January – West Lancs Xplode

You check out all the latest events in the Wyre Scouts diary, here.









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