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Returning to face-to-face Scouting, safely
Dear All,

Following on from Craig’s (County Commissioner) email yesterday, I wanted to write to confirm some information about the support available as we prepare to return to face to face Scouting in the coming weeks.

Firstly, we have now moved to the amber readiness level. This means that:

We want to bring all our youth members back to Scouting when it is safe to do so. There is no expectation of when you should hold your first outdoor meeting and there is no rush. Every Section and Group will have different circumstances and will know what is right for them. For some groups this may involve meeting over what would normally be the summer holidays. Plans must be carefully considered and safety is the priority. We should also remember that not everyone will be able to return to face-to-face Scouting and we should think of ways to stay in touch and include them. This will mean that we continue to offer virtual Scouting activities.

We know that this might seem like a big task, or a little complicated at first glance. Don’t worry, we are here to help.

Support Avaliable:
I am working to form a Wyre COVID Risk Assessment Group who will be supporting volunteers with writing, checking and approving risk assessments. Details of this group will be shared with Group Scout Leaders following discussion with the Wyre Executive Committee on Wednesday, 8th July.

We are also planning to hold online meetings for Group Scout Leaders (on 14th July) and an All Leader’s Meeting (on 23rd July) to walk you through the process. Please ask your Group Scout Leader for details of the All Leader’s Meeting.

If your group doesn’t have a GSL or a Group Executive Committee, we will be identifying someone who can help at this time and will be in touch.

For those groups who don’t have any outdoor space, we will be here to help you look for potential venues for outdoor meetings. If your group does have outside space, and you can share – please let us know.

We are also looking at working with the County Teams to obtain additional PPE for first aid kits and hand sanitiser at discounted rates.

You can find all the guidance, and a webinar, about the national framework here: https://www.scouts.org.uk/volunteers/scouts-at-home/getting-everyone-back-together-safely/

Next Steps for Section Leaders and Assistant Section Leaders:
Talk to the other volunteers in your section/group:
  1. When do you think it’s possible to return to face-to-face Scouting?
  2. Where could you meet? How would people safely get there?
  3. Which adults are available to support?
  4. Ask parents, which young people are able to return?
  5. What activities can you safely do? Maintaining social distancing and minimising the use of shared equipment?
  6. Discuss your thoughts with your Group Scout Leader
  7. When you have that information, it’s time for section leaders to start working on a risk assessment, using the template available here.
  8. Your Risk Assessment should be checked by your Group Scout Leader and Group Executive Committee (or nominees).
  9. Submit your risk assessment for approval using the smartsheet, which can be found here.
  10. Await a response and further guidance about restarting face-to-face Scouting.
Please note that the working group, when established, will receive lot of risk assessments and it may take a few days for them to review and provide a response. They may also need additional information from you or suggest further safety controls.

It’s important that the adults returning to face-to-face Scouting have completed their safety and safeguarding training and if your DBS expired during lockdown, you should arrange to process this as a matter of urgency. New adult volunteers can also now be added to Compass.

Going forward, we need to continue to work together, to bring young people together again and ensure we enjoy all the benefits of Scouting.

Thank you for all that you do,

Jon Minshull
District Commissioner
Wyre Scouts





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